타 우 린






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타 우 린




DescriptionPure Natural Taurine  is a highly refined product for use in infant formula and dietary supplements.
Taurine is one of the sulphur containing amino acids. It is present in most animal tissues and is particularly abundant in bovine bile, oysters, mussels and human breast milk.
In nature its main role is as a substrate in the conjugation of bile acids in the liver. It is abundant in human breast milk and is thought to be important in infant brain and retinal development. Research also suggests that it might also protect cell membranes from toxic substances.
CAS Number107-35-7


Molecular Weight125.14
SynonymsNatural Taurine; PNT
Use of ChemicalTaurine is used in a number of different products. It's primary application is in infant formula to make it more closely resemble human milk (cow's milk is deficient in taurine).

Taurine is also used in a wide variety of different functional drinks, ranging from "smart drinks" in Europe to "energy tonics" in Asia and is often used in conjunction with caffeine. In Asia it is also used for the prevention of the side effects from excess alcohol consumption.
AppearanceColourless or white to off-white crystalline powder
SolubilitySoluble in water.
EC Number203-483-8
Standard Packsize25 kg


타우린은 피로 회복제의 주성분으로 잘 알려졌는데, 타우린이란 아미노산의 일종으로

사람과 포유동물의 인체 내에서 심장, 뇌, 간 등에 다량 함유 돼 있습니다.

타우린의 효능으로 가장 많이 거론된 것이 피로해소제 역할인데

실제로 타우린은 피로해소제나 자양강장제 등 드링크 제품의 주성분입니다.

타우린 성분은 간의 콜레스테롤을 담즙산 형태로 배설하게 해 알코올을 분해하느라

과로한 간의 부담을 줄여줍니다.

또한 타우린의 생리기능은 뇌의 교감신경에 대해 억제작용을 나타내 혈압의 안정화 및

뇌졸중의 예방에 도움을 주고 치매와 부정맥,

심부전에 유효하다고 알려져 있습니다.

뿐만 아니라 동맥경화, 협심증, 심근경색 등을 유발하는 저밀도 지단백질 콜레스테롤의

생성을 억제하며 각종 혈관계 질환의 예방에 효과가 있습니다.


공급되는 타우린 분말은 순도 98% 이상의 순백색 결정 분말입니다.

타우린은 에테르 및 기타 유기 용매에 불용성이며

유황 함유 비 단백질 아미노산이며 체내에서  체내 단백질 생합성에 관여하지 않습니다.


In food industry Taurine can be added to dairy products, beverage, monosodium glutamate and bean products.

Taurine can accelerate the differentiation and development of nerve cell, enhance immunocompetence.

In healthcare supplements, Taurine powder has fairly good health care functions,

such as improving the immune system and helping the growth of the body;

accelerating the digestion of fat and protecting the cardiovascular system.

So it is suitable for different age group.



원본 그림의 이름: mem00000b6c0009.jpg

원본 그림의 크기: 가로 750pixel, 세로 300pixel




1.Liver-strengthening cholagogue function:

The combination of taurine and cholic acid can increase biliary permeability

and is related to bile backflow; this product can also reduce cholesterol levels in the liver

and reduce the formation of cholesterol calculus.


2.Anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects: It can lower the body temperature by effects

on the central 5-HT system  or catecholamine system.



원본 그림의 이름: mem00000b6c0007.jpg

원본 그림의 크기: 가로 800pixel, 세로 534pixel

3.Hypotensive effect: it shows the effects including reducing blood pressure,

slowing down heart rate, regulating vascular tension and so on.


4.Cardiac and anti-arrhythmia action:

This product can regulate the combination of Ca++ in cardiac myocytes

and can reverse the adverse  effects of Ca++ on the myocardium





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